Kate is joining us for two wildlife activity-laden hours, showing you and your family how you can get closer to the nature in your garden. Her work has featured on BBC Springwatch, Autumnwatch, Countryfile and many others.
An afternoon aimed at adults and children alike, Kate will be sharing some of the many wildlife projects she has undertaken, showing engaging footage she has captured.
She will also involve us all in creating simple projects , that we can then try it our own gardens. We’ll build a simple tyre waterhole together, creative bird feeders with toys we may have at home and also show us how to create simple solitary bee habitat, to encourage these important pollinators.
Perfect for the whole family, join us for this fun and inspiring afternoon! You’ll leave with lots of ideas for how to create a wildlife friendly space to engage with, and learn more about, our wonderful local species.
Entry info: Doors open 2pm. Light refreshments.Adults; £2 donation requested; U-16s free.